what causes hair loss in women

What Causes Hair Loss + How to Stop It

Dr. Jolene BrightenPublished: Hair Loss

Are you waking up to find your pillow covered in hair or your bathroom trash filled with strands? Does the thought of showering or brushing your hair make you anxious, anticipating the hair loss? In this article we’ll discuss common causes of hair loss in women, like high testosterone, autoimmune conditions, medications, and what to do about them. If so, …

Can Stress Cause a Hormone Imbalance

Can Stress Cause a Hormone Imbalance

Dr. Jolene BrightenPublished: Anxiety, Depression, Mood, Brain Health, Hormones, Stress Reduction, Wellbeing

In our modern world, the pervasiveness of stress is more than just a fleeting concern; it’s a critical health issue. With each passing month, new research emerges, underscoring the profound impact of stress on our overall well-being. Far from being a mere inconvenience, stress has the potential to impact your hormone production significantly, weaken your immune system, and, alarmingly, even …