best magnesium for menopause

Understanding Magnesium for Menopause: Your Comprehensive Guide

Dr. Jolene BrightenPublished: Herbs & Supplements, Perimenopause/ Menopause

Menopause is a transformative phase in a woman’s life, marked by hormonal changes that can bring about a myriad of menopause symptoms, including hot flashes, fatigue, and night sweats. Using magnesium for menopause symptoms, as well as for support of cardiovascular, bone, and brain health, is one way to help ease the transition.  Magnesium, particularly in the form of highly-absorbable …


What’s The Best Magnesium Supplement?

Dr. Jolene BrightenPublished: Anxiety, Depression, Mood, Brain Health, Cramps, Endometriosis, Herbs & Supplements, Sleep

Do you find it hard to drift off to sleep, frequently grapple with PMS symptoms, or regularly face headaches and constipation? These concerns could all be signaling that your magnesium levels are lower than ideal. Magnesium is a vital mineral that plays a crucial role in numerous bodily functions, from regulating blood sugar levels and blood pressure to supporting muscle …

Best prebiotic

20 Best Prebiotics for Gut Health and Hormonal Balance

Dr. Jolene BrightenPublished: Balancing Your Hormones, Digestion, Food, Gut-Hormone Connection, Herbs & Supplements, Wellbeing

Probiotics are live microorganisms that offer numerous health benefits for gut function, immune defenses, hormone balance, and nutrient absorption — and prebiotics serve as the “fuel” for these beneficial bacteria, fostering their growth and activity within the gut. Incorporating the best prebiotics into your routine is a key element in creating optimal gut health and hormones. Although prebiotics are often …

supplements for estrogen

What’s the Best Supplement for Estrogen

Dr. Jolene BrightenPublished: Balancing Your Hormones, Estrogen Dominance, Gut-Hormone Connection, Herbs & Supplements, Wellbeing

Estrogen, primarily produced in the ovaries, plays a pivotal role in women’s health, influencing everything from reproductive function to bone density and mood regulation. This vital hormone isn’t just about fertility — it’s also a key player in longevity, brain function, and optimal cardiovascular health. However, fluctuating hormone levels, stress, dietary factors, and aging can all contribute to estrogen imbalances, …

take prenatal vitamins without being pregnant

Can You Take Prenatal Vitamins Without Being Pregnant?

Dr. Jolene BrightenPublished: Balancing Your Hormones, Herbs & Supplements, Pregnancy, Wellbeing

Prenatal vitamins are often associated exclusively with pregnancy, but their benefits can extend beyond supporting a healthy pregnancy. Due to their rich concentration of essential vitamins and minerals, they can boost your overall nutrient intake, thereby reducing the risk of issues tied to nutrient deficiencies. Potential health benefits of prenatal vitamins when not pregnant include: This article will explore the …

Nettle Root for PCOS

Benefits of Nettle Root for PCOS Symptoms

Dr. Jolene BrightenPublished: Balancing Your Hormones, Herbs & Supplements, PCOS

Nettle root1 is an herb with a long history of use in traditional medicine, and it’s one of my favorite potent botanicals for hormone balance. Let’s dig into how nettle root can help with PCOS symptoms by managing androgens (and a few other supplements to try that only add to its effectiveness). Public awareness about polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) continues …

Selenium Benefits for Hormones and Thyroid

Selenium Benefits For Hormones and Thyroid Health

Dr. Jolene BrightenPublished: Herbs & Supplements, Thyroid, Thyroid & Hormone Balance

Selenium is a trace mineral essential for fertility, thyroid health, and pregnancy. It’s also a powerful antioxidant that can protect your heart and mental health. While it’s found in food, not everyone gets enough selenium from diet alone. It’s incredibly important for women’s health, but not everyone knows about it. Here’s what to know about selenium and why it’s vital …

Best Sleep Supplements

10 Best Sleep Supplements Besides Melatonin

Dr. Jolene BrightenPublished: Herbs & Supplements, Sleep, Wellbeing

Poor sleep affects all aspects of life and health. You’ve likely noticed how even one night of poor sleep affects your mood, energy, and hunger the following day. When poor sleep becomes chronic, the days can feel impossible to get through.  Sleep is critical for learning, memory, metabolic health, healthy aging, hormone balance, and overall health. When you’re snoozing, it …

sulforaphane supplement benefits

Sulforaphane Benefits for Hormone Balance and Health

Dr. Jolene BrightenPublished: Balancing Your Hormones, Herbs & Supplements, What to Eat

Every time I speak to patients about nutrition for hormone balance, I remind them how important it is to include a variety of nutrients in their diet for optimal health. So many factors contribute to hormone balance and overall health, and no one food or supplement will be a “magic bullet.” But one nutrient has so many health benefits for …