Vaginismus is a type of sexual pain disorder characterized by involuntary muscle spasms in the pelvic floor that make vaginal penetration of any kind painful or impossible. Someone with symptoms of vaginismus can’t control these spasms, and the pain can range from mild to extreme. It can seriously disrupt relationships, quality of life, and self-esteem. Painful intercourse is only one …
How Alcohol Impacts Your Sex Life
Recent data shows alcohol consumption among women rose by 41% during the pandemic1. There are certainly downsides to alcohol; it could trigger hot flashes, mess with your sleep, and may even promote liver issues. Alcohol also impacts your sex life, but it isn’t talked about much. You may think drinking puts you in the mood or makes having sex easier, …
Potential Impact of Perimenopause on Sexual Health and Intimacy
Sex and sexuality are highly individualized, as people have different sex drives and desires. How much sex you want to have and your interest in intimacy is deeply personal. But for many people, sex is essential to well-being1, encompassing physical, social, and psychological wellness. With all that said, it can come as a surprise if your feelings towards sex — …
Chances of Getting Pregnant With Pre-Cum, Does the Pull-Out Method Work?
The pull-out method—aka the withdrawal method or coitus interruptus—has been used at least once by nearly 60 percent of sexually active women1 in the US. It’s a way to (possibly) avoid pregnancy while avoiding hormonal birth control options. But there’s a lot you should know about the pull-out method, especially if you are relying on it as your primary form …
How Sexual Desire and Arousal Change With Your Cycle
We all have different sex drives, so what’s “normal” for you may not be for your best friend. Sexual desire can change daily, weekly, monthly, or even hourly. Sexual desire is complex, and what turns you on is so individualized. Add stress, sleep disruption, and feeling connected to a partner in the mix, and there’s no single predictor of desire …
Why Is My Vagina Itchy? How to Relieve Vaginal Itching
Chances are, you’ve experienced itching “down there” at one time or another in your life and may have some questions: Why does my vagina itch? What causes vaginal itching? How do I get rid of vaginal itching and prevent it in the future? And is vaginal itching normal? These are important questions and ones that I address fully in my …
Postcoital Dysphoria: Why Am I Sad After Sex
When you engage in consensual sex, you expect it to be a positive emotional experience leaving you feeling happy and relaxed. But when you feel sad after sex, you may wonder what is going on and if this is a normal or a common experience for women. While most research on female sexual dysfunction focuses on what happens before or …
Does Testosterone Hormonal Replacement Improve Libido
It’s often said that a strong libido is a sign of health and vitality—yet one-third of women report low sexual desire. But what does “strong” mean anyways? In this article, we’re going to talk about what’s normal, what’s not, and just what might be the cause of your disinterest in getting down with your partner. Like many women’s health issues, …
What Are STIs and How to Prevent Them
Let’s talk about sex—specially sexual health. So much about sexual health is kept quiet, but if you read my articles or follow me on Instagram, you know I’m all about open conversations about sex and intimacy—and that includes the not-so-fun topic of sexually transmitted infections (STIs). We need to be more open about safer sex because awareness and education are …