There is health and then there is optimal health for new moms. And what I want for each and every new mom is optimal health! And let’s be clear, I am NOT talking about the absence of disease— I am talking bursting with joy, thriving, feel’n like a million bucks and taking on the world kind of health. But sadly, …
Balancing Postpartum Hormones
Postpartum hormone changes can lead to mood swings, fatigue, sleepless nights, and changes to your skin and hair. While some of these might be expected postpartum, continually feeling unwell weeks after delivery shouldn’t be considered a normal part of motherhood. Motherhood comes with a unique set of challenges, including one struggle that nearly all new moms face: exhaustion! One of …
Breastfeeding: Censorship Not Required
Straight out to of the gate I want to say— This is my Opinion. You’ve likely found your way onto my blog because you are interested in learning more about your health and I want you to know that you will continue to find educational health posts on this site, but today, well today I just have to speak out …
Free Class: Healing Your Body Naturally After Childbirth
Healing Your Body Naturally After Childbirth, June 20th, 6:00 pm at Milagros in NE Portland. Childbirth is one of the most amazing and demanding events a woman’s body can experience. In the days and weeks following the delivery of your baby it is important to take steps to optimize your healing. Postpartum care is not only important for mom’s health, but also your …
Why I Chose to Join the Deepak & Oprah 21 Day Meditation Challenge
I’m a new mom and if you are a mom reading this you know exactly what that means. I am lucky to get enough sleep, have a sit down meal or even use the bathroom in peace, let alone meditate. But as a doctor and yoga instructor, I know how beneficial meditation is, especially when you are chronically stressed. That’s …