Ways to Increase Male Fertility

4 Simple Ways to Increase Male Fertility

Dr. Jolene BrightenPublished: Fertility, Preconception & Fertility Leave a Comment

Fertility struggles are not just a woman’s issue. New research suggests that up to 50% of infertility cases may be due to male factor issues, which is higher than previously thought.  In fact, male fertility rates have plummeted over the last decades, with average global sperm counts declining by 62% since the 1970s. Acknowledging and understanding the role that male …

Factors That Affect Female Fertility

Dr. Jolene BrightenPublished: Fertility Leave a Comment

It is estimated that over 10% of women aged 15-44 are unable to become pregnant. Listed below are some of the factors that contribute to infertility, including those which are preventable . 5 Factors That Affect Female Fertility Stress Stress has the ability to not only decrease fertility, but it may also play a role in how a developing child …

Prenatal Stress and Aging

Dr. Jolene BrightenPublished: Pregnancy 1 Comment

When you’re pregnant, your baby depends on you for nourishment and a safe place to grow and thrive. As I often say, the mother is the seed and the soil for her baby. Your nutrition, your immunity, and your gut health become your baby’s nourishment, immunity, and gut health. But how does your prenatal stress levels affect your baby? You …