menopause hair loss

Understanding Menopause Hair Loss: Causes, Symptoms, Solutions, and Preventive Measures

Dr. Jolene BrightenPublished: Hair Loss, Perimenopause/ Menopause

During the menopause transition and following, hair follicles may shrink, causing the hair to become thinner and thinner until it eventually falls out. Hormone related changes that affect the follicle contribute to slower growing hair and make it easier for it to fall out. As if hot flashes weren’t bad enough, if you are in your mid-40s or 50s and …

Postpartum Hair Loss Prevention

Can You Prevent Postpartum Hair Loss?

Dr. Jolene BrightenPublished: Balancing Your Hormones, Hair Loss, Postpartum

Picture this: you’ve finally got a nap schedule down and actually have time and a little energy for a hairstyle other than a messy bun. You jump in the oh-so-needed glorious shower but notice the drain is clogged with hair, and you’re losing clumps of hair as you comb your conditioner through.  Sound familiar? You aren’t going bald, and you …

what causes hair loss in women

What Causes Hair Loss + How to Stop It

Dr. Jolene BrightenPublished: Hair Loss

Are you waking up to find your pillow covered in hair or your bathroom trash filled with strands? Does the thought of showering or brushing your hair make you anxious, anticipating the hair loss? In this article we’ll discuss common causes of hair loss in women, like high testosterone, autoimmune conditions, medications, and what to do about them. If so, …