Navigating the hormonal landscape can be challenging, especially regarding progesterone, a crucial hormone for reproductive health and overall well-being. If you're experiencing mood swings, PMS, infertility, or irregular periods, it's essential to consider your progesterone levels.
For some women, PMS hits the week before their period, while for others, the symptoms are more erratic, seemingly lasting throughout the month. Feeling lousy consistently is never normal, so if these symptoms sound like an average month for you, we need to talk about getting your hormones back on track.
In this article you'll learn about how to boost progesterone using methods such as:
- Stress management through yoga, meditation, mindfulness
- Using dietary strategies to incorporate healthy fats and nutrients such as magnesium, B6, zinc, vitamin C, and selenium
- Lifestyle therapies, including sleep hygiene and exercise
- Leveraging progesterone-boosting supplements like chaste berry and Rhodiola
- Seed cycling to support hormonal balance
- Address any underlying medical conditions, including PCOS and hypothyroidism
- Avoiding environmental hormone disruptors
- Balancing blood sugar levels through diet and exercise
- Bioidentical progesterone therapy
If you’re working on improving fertility, want to resolve symptoms associated with PMS, or currently in the transitional phase of perimenopause you’ll first want to address low progesterone. This article will explore natural methods to increase progesterone, which is crucial for those who are trying to conceive or want to alleviate PMS/PMDD symptoms.
What is Progesterone?
Progesterone is a key female sex hormone responsible for preparing the uterus for pregnancy. It dominates the luteal phase of the menstrual cycle (the second half beginning post-ovulation until menstruation) and is produced primarily by a temporary endocrine structure called the corpus luteum that forms following ovulation.
The drop in progesterone (and estrogen) at the end of your luteal phase triggers the beginning of your menstrual cycle.
However, if pregnancy occurs, progesterone production will continue in the ovary until the placenta takes over.
Progesterone, produced in the adrenal glands and in the ovaries, extends beyond just its role in pregnancy; it's vital for brain and heart health, bone density, mood regulation, inflammatory responses, and metabolism. This is exactly why having low progesterone can leave you feeling lousy, both physically and mentally.
Low Progesterone Symptoms: How to Know If You Have Low Progesterone
How do you know if your levels are lower than average? Ask yourself if you experience many of these symptoms of low progesterone regularly:
- Insomnia or sleep disturbance
- Mood changes, including worsened PMS, anxiety, irritability, and higher risk for PMDD (premenstrual dysphoric disorder) and postpartum depression
- Breast tenderness
- Headaches and migraines
- Weight gain
- Irregular menstrual cycles, including short cycles (less than 21 days)
- Mid-cycle spotting
- Trouble getting pregnant (including with IVF) or a history of miscarriages
- Acne
The Importance of Progesterone for Fertility
Progesterone during pregnancy is essential for maintaining a healthy pregnancy and is a key hormone for fertility and ovulation.
Progesterone's job is to maintain the lining of the uterus, which makes it possible for a fertilized egg to implant if you're trying to get pregnant. It also helps maintain healthy cervical mucus, which provides nourishment and safe travels for sperm as it moves toward the egg.
When you're pregnant, progesterone stays high throughout the pregnancy, which helps ensure the survival and overall health of the baby.
Low progesterone can lead to difficulties in conceiving and maintaining a pregnancy.
Additionally, normal progesterone levels help support thyroid health, so low progesterone can be linked to hypothyroidism.
How to Increase Progesterone Levels Naturally
When looking at how to increase progesterone levels naturally, we need to consider the underlying cause of low progesterone. You'll learn effective ways to boost progesterone in this article, including the table below. But understanding the root cause of low progesterone symptoms is essential to correcting the hormone imbalance.
Evidence Based Ways to Increase Progesterone Naturally | How to Implement |
Stress Management | Yoga, meditation, mindfulness, cognitive behavioral therapy, enjoying nature |
Nutrition | Anti-inflammatory, nutrient dense meal plan Avoid sugar, excess caffeine, alcohol |
Sleep Hygiene | Create a healthy sleep environment and routine Regular exercise |
Nutritional and Herbal Supplements | Balance Women's Hormone Support Adrenal Support |
Avoid Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals (EDCs) | Remove shoes before coming into house, evaluate personal care products and home cleaning supplies, eliminate or reduce plastic usage, especially with food |
Address Underlying Medical Conditions | Hypothyroidism, PCOS, chronic infections, etc. |
Reasons for Low Progesterone
Common causes of low progesterone can include:
- High stress levels
- Hypothyroidism
- Age-related hormonal changes (being over 35 in perimenopause or menopause)
- Elevated prolactin levels
- Estrogen dominance
- Birth control pills
- Inflammatory conditions that impede hormone signaling
- Nutrient deficiencies in those needed for hormone synthesis
- Luteal phase defect (improper corpus luteum function)
- Medical conditions, such as endometriosis, cysts, or tumors
- Gut dysbiosis
Let's look further at these causes and the reasons you may have low progesterone.
1. Stress
Your body will always choose survival over procreation, meaning you'll produce “stress hormones” (including cortisol) over reproductive hormones (including progesterone) when exposed to chronic stress.
The concept of cortisol “stealing” progesterone was once known as the “pregnenolone steal.” While this theory is not completely accurate and oversimplified, it is true that cortisol blocks progesterone receptors, which means that you can not efficiently use the progesterone you are making when you're under lots of stress.
The solution:
- Identify and address stress that is in your control.
- Practice daily stress reduction techniques to build resiliency to stress. Continue reading for guidance on how to do this effectively.
Allostatic Load and Hormones:
Allostatic Load (AL) is the breakdown or deterioration of the body that occurs with chronic stress exposure. AL can lead to hormone changes that cause irregular periods, infertility, diabetes, and increased inflammation.
High stress and AL can make you more sensitive to cortisol and less likely to make progesterone when very stressed. Your cortisol can even look normal on lab tests but still mess up your cycle!
The factors below contribute to increased allostatic load:
- High ACE scores (adverse childhood event), which are associated with trauma
- Being a woman, especially a woman of color
- Lower socioeconomic status
- Identifying as LGBTQ
- Poor sleep and circadian disruption
- Lack of exercise
- Smoking and alcohol consumption
- Unhealthy diet
As you can see, some of these factors are related to societal pressure and feelings of isolation. We all need community support to manage stress, but if you check many of the boxes above, you may be lacking support and experiencing stress as a result.
Some factors associated with stress cannot be controlled by an individual, which is why focusing on what can be controlled is so important, such as quality sleep, healthy food, and regular exercise, which are some of the foundations of health.
2. Hypothyroidism
Progesterone is made from a hormone known as pregnenolone. In order to make pregnenolone the body needs adequate levels of thyroid hormone.
Pregnenolone is what I call the “mama hormone” because it “gives birth” to your sex hormones. Without pregnenolone, we can't make reproductive hormones such as progesterone.
Pregnenolone synthesis requires thyroid hormone. To even make the molecules you need to create progesterone, you must first have adequate thyroid hormone. With hypothyroidism, which describes an underactive or “sluggish” thyroid, not enough thyroid hormone is being produced to support the synthesis of progesterone.
In addition, being hypothyroid or even subclinical hypothyroid (still producing too little thyroid hormone) can be problematic for healthy menstrual cycles, sometimes resulting in irregular cycles and lack of ovulation. You can read about this in the Hypothyroid and Menstrual Cycle article.
The solution:
- Meet with a medical provider to have your thyroid health evaluated through a symptom review and comprehensive testing.
- Begin eating an anti-inflammatory diet with key nutrients to support your thyroid health. The Hormone Balancing Starter Kit has a free recipe guide to help you get started.
3. Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS)
Low progesterone is very common in PCOS due to ovulatory issues. A hallmark sign of PCOS is anovulatory cycles or lack of ovulation. Some women with PCOS do ovulate, but irregularly or not on a predictable schedule unless they are undergoing treatment.
Following ovulation, a structure forms in the ovary called the corpus luteum, which produces progesterone. You cannot produce sufficient progesterone without ovulation.
With PCOS, a rise in testosterone can occur, which lowers levels of progesterone. This interferes with normal ovulation, leading to inadequate progesterone.
Without ovulation, not only is it difficult for your body to adequately clear the uterine lining during menses, but it’s impossible to get pregnant. And, it’s important to understand that even if you’re having a period, it doesn’t mean you’re actually ovulating!
The Solution:
- Focus on nutrition and lifestyle strategies to manage PCOS.
- Meet with your provider to discuss options like Metformin or Inositol for PCOS, along with other therapies that might help your individual case.
4. Age
After age 35, there is an inevitable decline in progesterone due to the onset of perimenopause.
As we approach menopause, we ovulate less frequently. Remember, without ovulation, we can't produce sufficient progesterone. The premenopausal and menopausal years are times when progesterone cream or oral bioidentical progesterone therapy is often considered to help boost progesterone levels.
I will give you some ways to support hormone balance as you age, so keep reading! And if you're considering hormone replacement therapy, discussing your options with your provider can help you make the best decision for your health.
5. Elevated Prolactin
Prolactin is the hormone that triggers lactation but can also rise in non-lactating women. This is a problem because high levels of prolactin can interfere with progesterone production and inhibit ovulation.
High prolactin can be the result of poor diet choices, a stressful lifestyle, or something more serious, such as a benign brain tumor called a prolactinoma. If you suspect you have high prolactin, definitely speak to your healthcare provider to identify the root cause.
You can read more about elevated prolactin here.
6. Estrogen Dominance
Estrogen dominance can occur during perimenopause or menopause due to a lack of ovulation, which results in low progesterone. In this instance, this is referred to as “relative estrogen dominance.” In these cases, estrogen may also be low, but relative to progesterone, it is still high enough to stimulate your tissues and cause symptoms.
When low progesterone symptoms present along with symptoms of estrogen dominance, you’ll likely experience other symptoms like fluid retention, breast tenderness, and irritability.
Outside of the menopausal years, estrogen dominance can occur even if you do ovulate. In these cases, the corpus luteum may be failing to make adequate progesterone, there aren't enough nutrients coming in to support progesterone production, or lifestyle factors (like poor sleep or stress) are interrupting your body’s ability to produce progesterone.
Estrogen dominance symptoms can also occur whenever there is too much estrogen receptor stimulation relative to progesterone levels, as can be the case with endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs).
7. Gut Dysbiosis or Other Causes of Inflammation
Your gut houses the majority of your immune system, which is why imbalances in your microbiome (the organisms that live in your gut) can result in inflammation. Inflammation is a form of stress in the body, requiring adrenal gland production of cortisol and potentially resulting in lower progesterone.
In addition, by way of the estrobolome (the microbes that assist in balancing estrogen), your gut can influence your estrogen levels.
In fact, research has shown that imbalances in gut bacteria, known as dysbiosis, can result in high beta-glucuronidase levels. Beta-glucuronidase is an enzyme responsible for reactivating estrogen that was intended to be excreted. The result can be higher levels of circulating estrogen.
In cases of estrogen dependent conditions such as endometriosis, gut microbiota health can influence dysmenorrhea (period pain), pelvic pain, and infertility through its influence on estrogen levels.
The use of probiotics, along with prebiotics, has been shown to improve hormone levels, including in cases of PCOS.
The solution:
- Aim to include 25 grams of fiber in your diet daily. Here’s a recipe guide to help you get started.
- Address any gut symptoms or condition with your medical provider.
- Consider using a women’s probiotic formulated to support the estrobolome of the gut.
8. Anovulatory Conditions (Lack of Ovulation)
Menopause, perimenopause, primary ovarian insufficiency (POI), and hypothalamic amenorrhea are a few examples of times where ovulation is not occurring. Without ovulation, low progesterone symptoms will present.
Additionally, since the primary mechanism of the birth control pill is to prevent ovulation, some people can also experience low progesterone symptoms while on the pill. We’ll discuss this more later in the article.
In cases of perimenopause and menopause, there may be a need for progesterone hormone replacement therapy since the ovaries are no longer able to continue production. Continue reading for more on progesterone HRT.
How Can I Increase My Progesterone Levels Naturally?.
There are plenty of ways (and foods) to help increase progesterone. For some women, using natural therapies alone will help them eliminate unwanted symptoms and increase progesterone. For other women, they may need additional support and may choose to use a progesterone cream or other forms of bioidentical progesterone.
Now that you understand what progesterone does and why levels may be low, let's talk about how to increase progesterone naturally using diet and lifestyle strategies
Start by trying these natural remedies for boosting progesterone:
- Reduce stress through cognitive behavioral therapy, yoga, meditation, mindfulness
- Eat progesterone boosting foods and avoid excess sugar, caffeine, alcohol
- Get moderate exercise and adequate sleep
- Add progesterone supporting supplements like chaste tree berry and Rhodiola
- Increase foods with magnesium, B6, zinc, vitamin C, and selenium
- Consider seed cycling to support hormonal balance
- Address any underlying medical conditions discussed previously
- Avoid environmental hormone disruptors
- Balance blood sugar levels through diet and exercise
- Consider bioidentical progesterone cycling from days 14-28 of your cycle or ongoing if you're in late perimenopause or menopause; consult a doctor to identify the cause and ensure proper treatment
Here's more about how to implement these natural remedies and lifestyle changes:
What to Eat to Increase Progesterone
Foods rich in vitamin B6, vitamin C, zinc, magnesium, and selenium can help increase progesterone levels. Eating a whole foods diet that includes healthy fats will provide your body with what it needs to produce optimal levels of progesterone.
By eating in this way you will support healthy progesterone levels by:
- Optimizing blood sugar
- Supporting healthy digestion
- Providing the nutrients needed to produce progesterone
Healthy Dietary Fats
Women wanting to improve their hormonal imbalance should aim to eat one or two tablespoons of fat (or one or two servings) at every meal to support natural hormone balance.
Cholesterol is a precursor for pregnenolone, which in turn produces reproductive hormones. Therefore, if your diet lacks healthy fats (and enough calories in general from a variety of foods), your body won't have the necessary building blocks to produce progesterone.
Include healthy fats in your meals from sources like:
- avocado or avocado oil
- whole nuts and seeds
- olive oil
- fatty fish like salmon or sardines
- eggs
- coconut oil
- grass fed butter
Eating a balanced diet with a variety of whole foods (similar to the Mediterranean Diet) can help meet your daily needs for important vitamins and minerals that assist in hormone production. The nutrients below are especially vital for naturally increasing progesterone:
Zinc is vital for follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) production from the pituitary gland, which is essential for ovulation and progesterone production. Lacking zinc, which is found in foods like shellfish, meat, and nuts, can result in low FSH, which interferes with the ovaries maturing an egg and ovulating. Zinc also supports thyroid health and insulin sensitivity, which is linked to regular ovulation.
Zinc-rich foods include:
- Oysters and shellfish
- Beef and lamb
- Chickpeas
- Pumpkin seeds
- Yogurt
- Oatmeal
- Mushrooms
Crucial for adrenal health and the HPA axis, magnesium-rich foods include dark leafy greens, nuts, and seeds. Magnesium regulates hormone levels and aids in progesterone receptor function. It can also reduce PMS and cramping and has many other benefits, such as helping to manage stress and digestion.
Foods with magnesium include:
- Almonds
- Spinach
- Black beans
- Avocados
- Dark chocolate
- Yogurt
- Edamame
If you're in need of more support, consider 150-300 mg magnesium nightly.
Vitamin B6
Vitamin B6 helps with estrogen metabolism and has been shown to help support normal progesterone levels. It can become depleted if estrogen dominance is a problem. It possesses “progesterone-like effects” and has been shown to reduce estrogen while increasing progesterone levels.
One of the side effects of using birth control pills is that it can result in low levels of vitamin B6 or a deficiency. Current or past users are encouraged to supplement in order to counter this effect.
In one double blind, randomized controlled trial it was found that vitamin B6 was beneficial for both PMS and PMDD sufferers.
Take 30-50 mg once daily as a part of a B-complex or Balance by Dr. Brighten while also adding vitamin-B-rich foods to your diet. Because the body does not store B vitamins, they are generally considered safe, although this also means they need to be replaced daily.
Foods with vitamin B6 include:
- Salmon
- Chicken breast
- Potatoes
- Bananas
- Spinach
- Pistachios
- Avocado
Vitamin C
Known to enhance the effects of progesterone, vitamin C is beneficial for improving ovulation, fertility, and hormonal balance and intensifying the effects of progesterone. It may help boost progesterone levels and resolve luteal phase defects. It also has antioxidant effects, supporting overall gut health and immune function.
I often recommend 500 to 1,000 mg daily of vitamin C to my patients because it raises progesterone. Additionally, add a variety of high-vitamin C foods to your diet.
Foods with vitamin C include:
- Red bell peppers
- Oranges
- Strawberries
- Broccoli
- Tomatoes
- Kiwi
- Brussel sprouts
This essential mineral supports overall hormonal balance, including the production of progesterone. It's required for proper thyroid function and ovulation, and a deficiency has been linked to infertility. It also acts as an antioxidant and has fertility benefits for both women and men, helping to protect eggs and sperm.
Foods rich in selenium include:
- Brazil nuts
- Oysters
- Tuna
- Eggs
- Mushrooms
- Spinach
- Broccoli
Seed Cycling
Seed cycling involves the consumption of specific seeds during different phases of the menstrual cycle. It's believed to help balance hormones naturally, including progesterone, due to compounds called phytoestrogens and lignans that seeds provide, which may help your body produce more hormones, although more evidence is needed to confirm its effectiveness.
Seeds contain compounds that mimic estrogen and progesterone in the body, which may help regulate periods, PMS symptoms, and menopause discomfort. The idea is that lignans in seeds like flax, sesame, and pumpkin seeds have progesterone-like effects, potentially boosting progesterone in the second half of your cycle (the luteal phase).
Here is an overview of using seed cycling to support hormonal balance and progesterone levels.
Discussing seed cycling with your healthcare provider before starting can be helpful. Adjust the schedule based on your unique cycle and needs — and be patient, as it may take a few months to see effects.
How to Increase Progesterone Through Lifestyle
Manage Stress
As explained above, chronic stress can significantly impact progesterone production due to the effects of cortisol. To keep stress in check, adopt stress-reduction techniques like yoga, meditation, mindfulness, moderate exercise, time in nature, socializing, reading, and anything else that relaxes you.
Find what works for you and make it a part of your regular weekly routine. You might consider these hobbies and habits to be a waste of time, but they can make a big difference in your overall health and hormone balance!
Related: Can Stress Cause a Hormone Imbalance + What to Do About It
Sleep Hygiene
Inadequate sleep can disrupt ovulation, increase inflammation, and lead to blood sugar dysregulation. All of these are considered causes of low progesterone hormone.
Addressing sleep is an important part of improving progesterone levels. However, inability to fall asleep or stay asleep is a symptom of low progesterone. In these situations, you may benefit from leveraging a sleep aid while you work towards improving your hormonal balance.
Here are tips to get better sleep:
- Sleep in a cool, dark room
- Avoid stimulating exercise, books, TV, etc an hour before bed
- Limit screen time 2 hours before bedtime
- Avoid heavy meals to close to bed
- Avoid alcohol, which can make low progesterone symptoms and sleep issues worse
- Avoid afternoon caffeine
Exercise Regularly
It is true that over exercising or undereating can lead to anovulation and low progesterone levels. However, regular exercise can help lower cortisol levels, improve blood sugar, support healthy gut flora, lower inflammation, and regulate menstrual cycle hormones. It can also help improve sleep, which as we discussed, can be both a symptom of low progesterone and a cause.
Use this resource for tips on how to best exercise with your cycle.
How to Increase Progesterone Levels with Herbal Supplements
Certain herbs can positively affect hormone production, although it's best to use them only in certain situations since their effects will not benefit every woman. If you have low progesterone, the herbs below may be able to help increase progesterone levels:
Vitex (or Chaste Tree Berry)
Vitex, also known as chaste tree berry, can help balance prolactin and progesterone levels, making it beneficial for those with PMS and fertility issues. Read my Essential Guide to Vitex and the Chaste Tree to learn more about his helpful herb.
Balance by Dr. Brighten is formulated with Vitex, vitamin B6, magnesium, selenium, and other beneficial nutrients to support healthy levels of progesterone. Supplements can be excellent for supporting your hormones, but they're not designed to treat or prevent disease. So, if you suspect something like primary ovarian insufficiency, it is best to talk to your doctor about your specific needs.
Rhodiola Rosea
This adaptogenic herb helps balance cortisol output and can improve mood and cognitive functions, indirectly supporting hormonal health and progesterone production. It's useful for helping your body cope with stress and for preventing feelings of anxiety, restlessness, and poor sleep.
Aim for a supplement that contains 100 mg of Rhodiola daily. Adrenal Support, which is part of my Period Problems Kit™, contains Rhodiola and other adaptogenic herbs to support adrenal health and hormone balance.
Herbal supplements that reduce stress may promote healthy progesterone levels. Research has shown Ashwagandha to have a positive effect on cortisol levels and stress.
The typical dose for Ashwagandha is 100 mg once to twice daily.
Green Tea and Resveratrol
Green tea and resveratrol provide antioxidant and anti-inflammatory support for the ovaries. Resveratrol in particular has been noted to improve ovarian hormone function as we age.
Green tea aids in estrogen metabolism and fat oxidation, which is crucial in managing estrogen dominance. Some research suggests that women who drink green tea daily may benefit from healthier estrogen levels and other positive hormonal effects.
What's a Normal Progesterone Level?
Normal progesterone levels vary depending on the phase of your menstrual cycle. It's best to test progesterone levels about a week after ovulation, typically around days 19-21 of a 28-day cycle, to get an accurate reading. Progesterone peaks about 5-7 days post ovulation, which means if you don't ovulate exactly on day 14, you may need to test on a different day. Otherwise, results may not be accurate since progesterone is normally low at other points in the cycle, such as after your period.
If you're no longer cycling or your menstrual cycle is irregular (as is the case in PCOS or perimenopause) then we allow symptoms to guide treatment and do not rely on serum progesterone testing alone.
Stage | Progesterone Levels (ng/mL) |
Follicular phase (pre-ovulation) | < 0.89 |
Ovulation | < 10 |
Luteal phase (post-ovulation) | 2-24 (less than 10 is considered low) |
First trimester | 11-44 |
Second trimester | 25-83 |
Third trimester | 58-214 |
Post-menopause | < 0.5 |
Expectations During Perimenopause and Menopause
As women approach menopause, progesterone levels naturally decline. This can lead to symptoms like irregular periods and mood swings. Understanding and managing these changes is crucial for maintaining quality of life during these transitions.
If you're experiencing these symptoms during menopause, speak with your provider about whether or not progesterone hormone replacement therapy medication may be right for you.
Progesterone Hormone Replacement Therapy
If you’ve tried it all and find your progesterone levels are still low, it may be time to consider progesterone hormone replacement therapy. For women in perimenopause or menopause, progesterone therapy may be the only means of alleviating low progesterone symptoms.
During perimenopause and menopause, we allow symptoms to guide treatment rather than relying on labs alone.
How Do You Use Progesterone Hormone Replacement Therapy
Progesterone hormone replacement therapy is used daily, except in cases of women who are or should still be cycling. There are two types of progesterone HRT: bioidentical progesterone and progestins. The latter are the synthetic version of progesterone and may not offer the full benefits of oral micronized progesterone (Prometrium or Utrogestan).
When patients are experiencing the mental and emotional symptoms of low progesterone, such as anxiety and sleeplessness, oral progesterone is preferred. This is because it will be metabolized and interact with the GABA receptor in the brain, which promotes a state of calm and restful sleep.
In some cases, progesterone creams applied topically can help mitigate the symptoms of low progesterone. In general, both oral and topical progesterone are most commonly used nightly due to progesterone’s sleep promoting effect.
Vaginal suppositories are generally reserved for fertility and pregnancy cases. The dosing can range anywhere from once to several times a day depending on the condition.
While progesterone replacement therapy is available over the counter in some places, it is not without side effects. Symptoms such as breast tenderness, fatigue, feeling groggy upon waking, and low mood can occur.
It is always best to discuss hormone replacement therapy with a licensed medical provider who is trained in prescribing hormones.
Birth Control and Progesterone
It's important to note that synthetic progestin in birth control is not the same as natural progesterone. While birth control pills may help “regulate” menstrual cycles, they don't provide the same benefits as natural progesterone that your body produces, especially in terms of mood and bone health.
Birth control pills are capable of “masking” hormonal issues since they synthetically control your menstrual cycle. Many types stop ovulation, which stops your body from producing adequate progesterone.
If you’re on birth control pills and finding you have low progesterone symptoms, talk to your provider about options. Many women in their 40’s experience this and benefit from making the transition to a more individualized HRT approach.
Key Takeaways on How to Naturally Increase Progesterone
As you can see, there are many underlying root causes that are behind progesterone issues. Getting to the bottom of what causes low progesterone and fixing it is the best way for you to balance your hormones. Increasing progesterone levels naturally involves a holistic approach, encompassing diet, lifestyle, and natural supplements. Understanding your body's needs, sticking to a healthy diet, and managing stress can help you work towards improving your fertility and overall health.
Download your FREE Hormone Balancing Starter Kit with 7 Day Meal Plan & Recipe Guide Book.