Seven Mind-Body Practices for a Better Mood

Dr. Jolene BrightenPublished: Wellbeing Leave a Comment

Mind-body healing techniques can be defined as incorporating mindfulness/meditation and movement into our healthcare routine in order to tap into our bodies’ natural healing abilities and cope with stressors. These techniques have been used for centuries to heal and strengthen our bodies and minds, but it’s only recently that these techniques have been recognized by the scientific and medical communities. …

Mind-Body Exercise Can Help Reduce Pain and Stress

Exercise: A Therapy for Fibromyalgia

Dr. Jolene BrightenPublished: Wellbeing Leave a Comment

Fibromyalgia is a disorder that effects multiple systems in the body with symptoms including chronic deep muscle pain, depression, memory disruption and sleep disturbances. Chronic psychological stress coupled with an inappropriate stress response is noted to be the primary cause of fibromyalgia in a recent review by Charles Vierck, published in the journal of Pain Research and Treatment. The imbalance in …

Prenatal Stress and Aging

Dr. Jolene BrightenPublished: Pregnancy 1 Comment

When you’re pregnant, your baby depends on you for nourishment and a safe place to grow and thrive. As I often say, the mother is the seed and the soil for her baby. Your nutrition, your immunity, and your gut health become your baby’s nourishment, immunity, and gut health. But how does your prenatal stress levels affect your baby? You …